Welcome, Orange

79% of people fall short in yellow/orange produce consumption.

Words to Associate with Orange:


Reproductive Function



  1. Similar to red foods, high in antioxidant capacity

  2. Supportive of hormones and reproductive health

  3. Modulate ovarian function and progesterone synthesis

  4. Endocrine-stimulating effects

  5. Reduces the risk of insulin resistance

  6. Provitamin A compounds

  7. Beta-carotene is supportive of men’s reproductive health/fertility

  8. Decrease in rate of breast/prostate cancers

  9. Lower risk for endometriosis

“Epidemiological studies suggest that dietary carrot intake is associated with lower rates of breast and prostate cancer.”

“Orange fruits include the citrus family (i.e. Mandarins, oranges, and tangerines) in addition to tropic fruits such as papaya, peaches, and persimmons contain a host of nutrients, ranging from vitamin C and bioflavonoids to carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin.”

Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism

*Citrus foods are also high in folate (B9) which is an important B vitamin. B Vitamins play an enormous role in our health, especially in mental wellness.

Phytochemicals/Nutrients Found in Orange:

Beta-carotene: carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, butternut squash, cantaloupe, mangos, apricots, peaches

  1. Powerful antioxidant

  2. Boosts immunity

  3. Reduces risk for cancer

  4. Reduces risk of heart attacks

  5. Helps maintain good vision

  6. Converts to Vitamin A in the body

Bioflavonoids: oranges, grapefruit, lemons, tangerines, clementines, peaches, papaya, apricots, nectarines

  1. Powerful antioxidant

  2. Works with vitamin C to reduce the risk of heart attacks

  3. Reduces the risk of cancer

  4. Maintains strong bones/teeth, healthy skin, good vision

Vitamin A: correlated with eye and brain health, helps keep the immune system functioning correctly

Vitamin C: antioxidant that improves the strength of your connective tissues, promotes skin elasticity, and enhances iron absorption

Orange Produce Options (list is not exhaustive):

  1. Apricots

  2. Blood oranges

  3. Cantaloupe

  4. Kumquats

  5. Mandarins

  6. Mangoes

  7. Nectarines

  8. Oranges

  9. Papaya

  10. Passion fruit

  11. Peaches

  12. Tangerines

  13. Carrots

  14. Orange bell peppers

  15. Pumpkin

  16. Sweet potatoes

  17. Turmeric

  18. Yams

My favorite ways to integrate ORANGE:

  • Orange bell pepper, raw with hummus or dip, sliced and thrown into a stir fry, or diced and added to an omelette

  • Carrots, raw with hummus or dip, blended into homemade juice, slivered in my salads

  • Sweet potatoes, homemade sweet potato fries (of course), roasted and mashed with pasture raised butter, blended into smoothies, or baked into baked goods (my favorite)

  • Turmeric, blended into juices or taken as a shot, used lightly as seasoning

  • Pumpkin, purée added to sauces, baked goods, oatmeal, smoothies

  • Mangoes - two words - GREEN SMOOTHIES!

2016 Jeff Kauck Photography


eat the rainbow: yellow.


Nutritional deficiencies: why are we so deficient?